Day 4 started early, but not as early as the last two mornings, with some of us getting up at 6:45am
After breakfast we split into two groups, archery and rock climbing.
Archery was lots of fun, most of us improved throughout the session with lots of people hitting yellow centre circles (Corinne, Jayden and Mr Taylor scored maximum points with a singe arrow, 25).
The rock climbing wall was one of our hardest challenges. we had to trust our equipment and friends to keep us safe while we climbed. It was quite scary and lots of us managed to climbed all the way to the top. We all had to learn how to belay (controlling the climbers assent and decent). A few brave climbers put on blind folds with Daniel making it all the way to the top!!
After lunch we did orienteering and sport (lots of cricket). During orienteering we ran in pairs with maps to find 17 markers located around camp. We were exhausted at the end of this!! Corinne and Charlie managed to disturb a sleeping tiger snake, luckily they all "ran" in opposite directions.
We are sad that tomorrow is the last day of camp, but we are looking forward to sleeping in our own beds (and seeing all families of course!!).